Thursday, August 16, 2012

That time I went skydiving

If anyone knows me, they know that I'm pretty much afraid of everything and anything. A grasshopper hops near me? I'll be gone in two seconds. Ride the Titan? I hyperventilate the whole way up. I see a frog? Let the screams and waterworks begin. As  you can see, I'm known as the "scardey cat" or "pansy". I don't want to be this way, I'm just cursed I guess. But even though I have these extreme fears and aversions to anything dangerous or scary, I still try and force myself to do them anyways. Smart of me I know. That's why when I told people that I was going skydiving for my 18th birthday, not a single soul believed I would actually go through with it. Not.a.soul.
Well, can I say I told you so?

I'm not going to lie to you, I had a few moments of panic throughout the day. Like when I had the "privelage" of getting to be the first to jump. Thanks Mary Claire and Mary who voted the birthday girl to be first, you're great friends, really. Or when I was the chosen one to have the coveted window seat. In this case, window really being a huge door to the open sky. You best believe I screamed when they opened up that hatch. But the most terrifying moment of all would have had to be those few seconds I sat with my feet hanging over the edge of the plane, rocking back and forth, waiting to plummet into the sky and towards the ground.
 No backing out there. All the jitters were worth it though for that glorious moment of free fall where all of my anxiety turned to pure excitement and and awe over the fact that I was literally flying through the air. Yes I was attached to someone, but it was the most freeing and exhilarating moment of my entire life. All I could keep saying over and over was "This is amazing!!" Seriously, I don't think I've ever said the words amazing and awesome more times in my life than today.

After today, I think I've finally made the switch to adrenaline junky. My only disappointment is that my friends and I started off too high, I'm not sure anything else could beat skydiving. Maybe bungee jumping? Any fellow thrill seekers out there with some suggestions for us, we're up for anything now!

If you ever have the chance to go skydiving, DO IT. For real, you will not regret it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So This is Adulthood...

Sadly, I did not get this adorable corgi

It's official guys, I'm no longer a youngin'. I'm finally 18! I say finally because all of my friends have been 18 for quite some time now. I'm a baby I know :/, but my birthday is finally here so I can be a cool kid once again. I'm ready to hit those dry clubs in Utah, holllaaa! But seriously, I kind of feel liberated to be 18 now, like I have some surge of independence and I'm totally ready for college now... other than the whole leaving my best friends and childhood home behind... excuse me while I go cry now. 

On a brighter note, I got some rockin' gifts! My friends are so creative it blows my mind. I would take a handmade gift over something expensive any day *hint hint ;). Thanks everyone for making this day fan-freaking-tastic!