Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome to Happy Valley

I have been so disconnected with the world lately, I apologize! But, I am now officially a BYU Cougar :)! I've been looking forward to this day literally since the first day of my senior year, and now I've finally made it! I absolutely love everything about Utah and my school, even the fact that I have to apply lotion on the daily otherwise my skin feels like sandpaper. It's a sacrifice I'll just have to make. But seriously, everything here has been more amazing than I ever imagined it would be. The 20 hour drive up with my car packed to the max, meeting my roommates, walking around campus, making new friends, going to class (except that 8am one, shoot me now please). It's all been a great experience and I'm so thankful and blessed to be going to this school. Can't wait to see what this year has in store for me :)!