Monday, July 30, 2012

2012 Olympics

Go Team USA!
The Olympics have officially begun! This has been the first time where I have really gotten into the Olympics spirit, all the way from watching the trials, to throwing a small viewing party of the opening ceremonies. My favorite events thus far have been watching both the woman's volleyball teams. I like to believe that MC and I are the tennis version of Misty May and Kerri Walsh. Now if only we had their bodies, then we'd be set HA! If tennis weren't a year round sport, I definitely would have played volleyball in high school. Other than that though, gymnastics has been just as great to watch. Congrats team USA for just being plain awesome at everything. You truly are the best.

What was my favorite moment of the Olympics day 2 you ask? That would be watching Aly Raisman's parents having a panic attack as she performed.

Worst part? Jordyn Weiber crying when she didn't qualify to medal on her own. Ya'll my heart seriously broke for her! And then she still had to do an interview when she was obviously upset?! That's just cruel NBC.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Life Lately

I'm really hoping this blog doesn't turn into my journal, where I only write in it once a year...I'll get better at this, I promise! Here's a little glimpse of what I've been up to lately. 

Of Monsters and Men: My Head is an Animal
Just do yourself a favor and buy this album right now.

Drake: Take Care
Yes, I realize that I'm way behind on getting this, but I have it now, so that's all that matters right? 

Ed Sheeran: +
Attention all hipsters, go ahead and start listening to him now, cause pretty soon he'll be mainstream, he's just too good to remain unknown. I mean he's British AND a ginger?! Yep, he's great in my book. 

The night I saw this movie, I was actually planning on seeing something else, but I'm so glad I changed my mind and saw this instead. As one of my friends said, it's Texas in a nutshell. If you're a Texan, you will find this hilariously accurate. 

The Amazing Spider-Man
I went to the midnight premiere of Spider-Man and it was one of the greatest decisions I've ever made. Not only did I see an awesome movie, that in my opinion is 200 times better than the original, but I also got a free shirt that I've been sleeping in every night ever since. I like free stuff.

Batman Crew

The Dark Knight Rises
Ya'll Batman is my favorite superhero, and this movie didn't disappoint me at all. The last 5 or 10 minutes just blew my mind. I applaud you Christopher Nolan. I also went to the midnight premiere of this movie, and would like to share my condolences for those in Colorado who lost their lives that night. My prayers go out to you and your families. I know that through Christ, you can find peace and healing.

My best friend just turned 18! We partied for days. It was a blast, I know you're all jealous of our spontaneous trip to Main Event where we played lazer tag, bowled, and did a ropes course. What every new 18 year old dreams of doing. The remainder of the week consisted of paddle boarding, kayaking, sailing, tubing, and jet-skiing. I hope I'm still as outdoorsy once MC and I part ways.
The bestfriend: MC Hammer!

Sorry for the Instagram dump. One day I won't be lazy, and use my actual camera to take pictures with. No promises though.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Birthday America!

I have been looking forward to the fourth of July for so long. Mainly just so I could finally wear my awesome american flag toms. I have a toms obsession and I'm not afraid to admit it. Anyways, I spent my holiday hanging out with some great people, swimming, eating, and sailing. It was a great day to say the least. And to finish off the night, we ended it with a bang...literally. There's really no way I could accurately describe through writing how insane this final firework was, but I'll do my best. We were just about done for the night when another group of people came up to the same place we were to shoot some of their own fireworks. These weren't the little poppers that we had been doing, they were the real deal, legit ones that thousands of people go to see in firework shows. They casually warned us that they were about to set it off, so we all stepped back a few feet to watch the show. I handed my friends mom my phone to record it all. The first shot went off, and we all gazed at it's beauty in amazement blah blah blah, then things started to get real. Instead of the next shot shooting in the air, it had fallen over, and it was coming straight at us. Everybody scattered, and we were thrown into a war zone as explosions went off around us, and I was running for my life. It seemed like it was never going to end. I turned around for a brief second to witness one of the fireworks ricochet off a car, straight at my friend, and it literally chased him, exploding behind him as he ran. I was laughing the hardest I've ever laughed in my entire life, but was also so scared out of my mind all at the same time. When the craziness finally ended, a fire had erupted in the lot across the street. Luckily, they were able to quickly put it out, and all was well. Can you say most eventful night ever?! Yeah we left after that, but it was such a great ending to the best fourth of July I've ever had.

Remember how I said my friend's mom started recording it? Well she never turned my camera off, so you can hear everything that's going on. I've watched this video about 20 times now, and it's literally the funniest thing I've ever seen.