Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome to Happy Valley

I have been so disconnected with the world lately, I apologize! But, I am now officially a BYU Cougar :)! I've been looking forward to this day literally since the first day of my senior year, and now I've finally made it! I absolutely love everything about Utah and my school, even the fact that I have to apply lotion on the daily otherwise my skin feels like sandpaper. It's a sacrifice I'll just have to make. But seriously, everything here has been more amazing than I ever imagined it would be. The 20 hour drive up with my car packed to the max, meeting my roommates, walking around campus, making new friends, going to class (except that 8am one, shoot me now please). It's all been a great experience and I'm so thankful and blessed to be going to this school. Can't wait to see what this year has in store for me :)!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

That time I went skydiving

If anyone knows me, they know that I'm pretty much afraid of everything and anything. A grasshopper hops near me? I'll be gone in two seconds. Ride the Titan? I hyperventilate the whole way up. I see a frog? Let the screams and waterworks begin. As  you can see, I'm known as the "scardey cat" or "pansy". I don't want to be this way, I'm just cursed I guess. But even though I have these extreme fears and aversions to anything dangerous or scary, I still try and force myself to do them anyways. Smart of me I know. That's why when I told people that I was going skydiving for my 18th birthday, not a single soul believed I would actually go through with it. Not.a.soul.
Well, can I say I told you so?

I'm not going to lie to you, I had a few moments of panic throughout the day. Like when I had the "privelage" of getting to be the first to jump. Thanks Mary Claire and Mary who voted the birthday girl to be first, you're great friends, really. Or when I was the chosen one to have the coveted window seat. In this case, window really being a huge door to the open sky. You best believe I screamed when they opened up that hatch. But the most terrifying moment of all would have had to be those few seconds I sat with my feet hanging over the edge of the plane, rocking back and forth, waiting to plummet into the sky and towards the ground.
 No backing out there. All the jitters were worth it though for that glorious moment of free fall where all of my anxiety turned to pure excitement and and awe over the fact that I was literally flying through the air. Yes I was attached to someone, but it was the most freeing and exhilarating moment of my entire life. All I could keep saying over and over was "This is amazing!!" Seriously, I don't think I've ever said the words amazing and awesome more times in my life than today.

After today, I think I've finally made the switch to adrenaline junky. My only disappointment is that my friends and I started off too high, I'm not sure anything else could beat skydiving. Maybe bungee jumping? Any fellow thrill seekers out there with some suggestions for us, we're up for anything now!

If you ever have the chance to go skydiving, DO IT. For real, you will not regret it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So This is Adulthood...

Sadly, I did not get this adorable corgi

It's official guys, I'm no longer a youngin'. I'm finally 18! I say finally because all of my friends have been 18 for quite some time now. I'm a baby I know :/, but my birthday is finally here so I can be a cool kid once again. I'm ready to hit those dry clubs in Utah, holllaaa! But seriously, I kind of feel liberated to be 18 now, like I have some surge of independence and I'm totally ready for college now... other than the whole leaving my best friends and childhood home behind... excuse me while I go cry now. 

On a brighter note, I got some rockin' gifts! My friends are so creative it blows my mind. I would take a handmade gift over something expensive any day *hint hint ;). Thanks everyone for making this day fan-freaking-tastic!

Monday, July 30, 2012

2012 Olympics

Go Team USA!
The Olympics have officially begun! This has been the first time where I have really gotten into the Olympics spirit, all the way from watching the trials, to throwing a small viewing party of the opening ceremonies. My favorite events thus far have been watching both the woman's volleyball teams. I like to believe that MC and I are the tennis version of Misty May and Kerri Walsh. Now if only we had their bodies, then we'd be set HA! If tennis weren't a year round sport, I definitely would have played volleyball in high school. Other than that though, gymnastics has been just as great to watch. Congrats team USA for just being plain awesome at everything. You truly are the best.

What was my favorite moment of the Olympics day 2 you ask? That would be watching Aly Raisman's parents having a panic attack as she performed.

Worst part? Jordyn Weiber crying when she didn't qualify to medal on her own. Ya'll my heart seriously broke for her! And then she still had to do an interview when she was obviously upset?! That's just cruel NBC.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Life Lately

I'm really hoping this blog doesn't turn into my journal, where I only write in it once a year...I'll get better at this, I promise! Here's a little glimpse of what I've been up to lately. 

Of Monsters and Men: My Head is an Animal
Just do yourself a favor and buy this album right now.

Drake: Take Care
Yes, I realize that I'm way behind on getting this, but I have it now, so that's all that matters right? 

Ed Sheeran: +
Attention all hipsters, go ahead and start listening to him now, cause pretty soon he'll be mainstream, he's just too good to remain unknown. I mean he's British AND a ginger?! Yep, he's great in my book. 

The night I saw this movie, I was actually planning on seeing something else, but I'm so glad I changed my mind and saw this instead. As one of my friends said, it's Texas in a nutshell. If you're a Texan, you will find this hilariously accurate. 

The Amazing Spider-Man
I went to the midnight premiere of Spider-Man and it was one of the greatest decisions I've ever made. Not only did I see an awesome movie, that in my opinion is 200 times better than the original, but I also got a free shirt that I've been sleeping in every night ever since. I like free stuff.

Batman Crew

The Dark Knight Rises
Ya'll Batman is my favorite superhero, and this movie didn't disappoint me at all. The last 5 or 10 minutes just blew my mind. I applaud you Christopher Nolan. I also went to the midnight premiere of this movie, and would like to share my condolences for those in Colorado who lost their lives that night. My prayers go out to you and your families. I know that through Christ, you can find peace and healing.

My best friend just turned 18! We partied for days. It was a blast, I know you're all jealous of our spontaneous trip to Main Event where we played lazer tag, bowled, and did a ropes course. What every new 18 year old dreams of doing. The remainder of the week consisted of paddle boarding, kayaking, sailing, tubing, and jet-skiing. I hope I'm still as outdoorsy once MC and I part ways.
The bestfriend: MC Hammer!

Sorry for the Instagram dump. One day I won't be lazy, and use my actual camera to take pictures with. No promises though.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Birthday America!

I have been looking forward to the fourth of July for so long. Mainly just so I could finally wear my awesome american flag toms. I have a toms obsession and I'm not afraid to admit it. Anyways, I spent my holiday hanging out with some great people, swimming, eating, and sailing. It was a great day to say the least. And to finish off the night, we ended it with a bang...literally. There's really no way I could accurately describe through writing how insane this final firework was, but I'll do my best. We were just about done for the night when another group of people came up to the same place we were to shoot some of their own fireworks. These weren't the little poppers that we had been doing, they were the real deal, legit ones that thousands of people go to see in firework shows. They casually warned us that they were about to set it off, so we all stepped back a few feet to watch the show. I handed my friends mom my phone to record it all. The first shot went off, and we all gazed at it's beauty in amazement blah blah blah, then things started to get real. Instead of the next shot shooting in the air, it had fallen over, and it was coming straight at us. Everybody scattered, and we were thrown into a war zone as explosions went off around us, and I was running for my life. It seemed like it was never going to end. I turned around for a brief second to witness one of the fireworks ricochet off a car, straight at my friend, and it literally chased him, exploding behind him as he ran. I was laughing the hardest I've ever laughed in my entire life, but was also so scared out of my mind all at the same time. When the craziness finally ended, a fire had erupted in the lot across the street. Luckily, they were able to quickly put it out, and all was well. Can you say most eventful night ever?! Yeah we left after that, but it was such a great ending to the best fourth of July I've ever had.

Remember how I said my friend's mom started recording it? Well she never turned my camera off, so you can hear everything that's going on. I've watched this video about 20 times now, and it's literally the funniest thing I've ever seen. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Letter

Yep folks, my mother is going to serve a 12 month mission in Papeete, Tahiti. She's only kind of excited as you can see from the video. We're still freaking out over here, and she's already started packing. The woman has three more months before she leaves, and she's already picked out all of her outfits and weighed her suitcases. She's adorable, and I love her. She thought that her letter telling her where she will be serving came while we were in Mexico, so we sped all the home to the sad discovery that it hadn't arrived yet. Then came the next two days of anticipation as we eagerly waited for the mail to come each day. Unfortunately for us, our mail man doesn't come until 5:30. What kind of mail man comes that late right?! Just our luck. Then when the letter finally arrived, I had gone to a friend's wedding, so my Mom had to wait 3 long hours before I finally got back and she could open it. I'm so excited for her and this great new opportunity that she has to serve the Lord as a nurse specialist. This will be a great experience that will not only bless her life, but mine as well. Oh, and I definitely wouldn't mind traveling to Tahiti to visit her. It's a trip I'll just have to take, but I think I can make the sacrifice ;)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Things I Learned in Mexico

My hair does not like humidity ya'll... like AT ALL

I can get tan literally within two seconds of being outside (mixed girl FTW)

Street vendors will say anything for you to buy their crap. Sorry, but you hitting on me does not make me want to come back into your creepily dark store. Get real people.

I could live off of steak, and be perfectly happy.

When I ask for Coke, and you wonder if Pepsi will be ok, it's not. Pepsi is never ok. (Also, this made me realize that I am addicted to Dr.Pepper)

Dolphins are adorable and playful creatures, but when your treading water in the middle of a pool waiting for a gray shadow to swoop out of no where and push you through the water, dolphins are the most terrifying animal you could possibly imagine.

Also, I am now a dolphin expert, thank you Dolphinaris

Getting pushed off a zipline is like staring death in the a fun way

15 meters is the same as 40ish feet. This is how big Whale Sharks are. I swam with these bad boys. Awesome.

Did you know that smelling limes can help sea sickness? Just kidding it doesn't, I learned this the hard way.

Underground caves are pretty magical, but also freezing

All-inclusive vacations are Why yes, I will be having a four course meal each night, problem?

Watching drunk people is quite hilarious, and also reaffirmed the fact that I never want to drink/get drunk in my life.

This was the best senior trip I could have ever asked for. I'm so thankful to have such amazing friends, and we're blessed with loving moms who put up with us for a week. This was a stone cold pack of weirdos, and I'm so proud :) (name that movie quote!)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Love Beaches

I will be spending seven glorious days at this place in Mexico, and I am beyond excited. I'm going on my senior trip with five of my friends, and our Moms, we are gonna party, let me just tell you. Don't worry though, my concept of partying is drinking Dr.Pepper and playing games like Just Dance all night. I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes, and relax on the beach, drinking some virgin pina coladas :). Yep, it'll be a blast. Oh and don't be too jealous, but I'll also be swimming with dolphins and snorkeling with the fishes in underwater caves! Mexico better prepare itself ;).

Oh and did I mention that I put a pink streak in my hair? No? Well I did, and it's pretty awesome, I think I love it. I'm a rebel, I know.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


So I am officially a high school graduate, it's been a long time coming! This seemed like the longest and hardest year of my life. I had to battle senioritis while I took 5 very difficult, and boring, AP classes, deal with feeling lonely while I would see my Mom every other week because of her work schedule, and on top of all of that, I didn't even have my older brother and best friend to comfort me when I needed him because he's in Mexico for two years serving an LDS mission. There's a lot more stuff that stressed me out this year, but looking back now, they seem rather trivial. Even with all the hardships that I faced, I managed to survive, and I'm so glad that it's all over now :)! Oh and a little disclaimer, I love the fact that my brother is serving a mission, as much as I miss him, I wouldn't want him to be anywhere else other than serving the people of Cuernevaca, just thought ya'll should know that. Anyways, graduation was everything that I had hoped it would be. I didn't trip on stage, or mess up during my speech, so it was a perfect night. I think the reason why I loved the whole ceremony so much, because lets face it people, graduations are way too long, and terribly boring, was because I got to speak with my best friend. Sharing that experience with her means so much to me, and I'm so proud of all that we have accomplished together throughout high school. Here's a few pictures of that great day, and our speech!