Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Spring Term in a Nutshell

Well it's nice to have time to finally catch up on this whole blogging thing. I'm just going to get right to it and say that Spring term at BYU is by far the best place to be. The weather is finally getting warmer and I can say goodbye to the hellish winter that I suffered through. The mountains turn green, and it's probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. And you get to hang out with the coolest people around, every single day. It's a party I tell you. To be honest, I was a little skeptical at first. I mean Fall and Winter semester were some of the best times of my life. I had amazing roommates, and an even better ward. There was no way that Spring term could beat that, but it came pretty dang close. My new ward was awful though, so there was no contest there. But as for my spring term crew, ohh you were some of my favorite people. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if my bestie Shanoah would have been there, but don't worry, we will have some crazy adventures after the mish! 
Speaking of which, I'm going on a mission ya'll! I was called to serve in the Baguio Philippines mission speaking Tagalog! I leave September 11th and I couldn't be more excited. Like if I could leave today that would be great. Here's a video of my reaction, you can't really tell, but I was shaking like crazy, and I really don't know why I was laughing so much, but yeah it was crazy stuff!

So that was a great way to start off Spring term, and things just kept getting better from there. I realized how truly unlucky I really am, but it's ok because Sara shared my same pains. Here is pure evidence of how hard our lives are:

  • The time we attempted make rice and it was an utter fail, so we threw away about 3 pounds of it and drove to Chik-fil-a with about 10 minutes to spare before it closed, because you know, Chik-fil-a just knows how to make a girl happy
  • When we decided to be outdoorsy and go on a trail run that ended up with us getting lost for three hours with no water or a cell phone. Thank goodness for nice people who have iPhones with Facebook, and people who put their numbers on Facebook because you never realize how important it is to memorize a person's phone number until your lost and have absolutely no way to get help. Yeah trail runs are of the devil.
  • Let's also not forget when later that same day we decided to watch a movie in Provo Canyon and we end up being all alone in the park with some super sketch dude with an axe, yes a freaking AXE.
  • Then there was the great day we decided to be productive and wake up early to buy things for our last sewing project. Of course that had to be the morning of the Provo Marathon. We were stuck in traffic for about half an hour, it was fun times. Then as we headed to Springville to buy our fabric, we were so lucky to run into a parade. Why there was a parade going on that day, the world will never know. So as we literally walk through this parade to get to the store, lo and behold, it's closed. What a fantastic morning right?
  • Also, let's not forget that same morning, I was all excited to get a package of some mission clothes I ordered, but you know getting a pair of Men's extra large boxers is also great too. Way to be Old Navy.
Yeah Spring definitely would not have been the same without our string of bad luck. I'm just glad that I had Sara there to share it with. We did have some super fun times though, but I'll just let the pictures do the talking. It's weird to think that about half of the people I was with a couple weeks ago are in the MTC now preparing to leave for their missions. I made some of the best friends I've ever had at BYU and I can't wait until we're all reunited again. I love you all!

I could live off of these snocones

The first of many farewells, see ya in 18 Madel!

Spontaneous Alex Clare concert? K
I love my friends reactions, ya'll are the best :)

Mis amigos

Mi famila

Love you Mother, thanks for your awesome example!

My fellow Filipino missionary friend A A Ron

Ryan got hitched!

Sushi is weird

Temple trips on temple trips

We get buckwild at weddings

I miss you Elder Kendall!

Little Bubushka Ari! 
Forever the best FHE family

Love this girl to death, miss you every day Shanoah!!

80's night is the best night

Hottest hot spring of my life

Lake Mona rope swing crew

Shooting the tube

This guys gong to do great things in Taiwain

All my favorite people at Panera for my Texas weekend

So glad Collin's a Texan now and happy he could come to the temple with me

Dori is the bomb.com

Forever my best friend, love you MC!

Emily was almost a married woman in this picture

So good to see my favorite sister missionary!

We like the lake and wake surfing

Oh Hermana Minnick, how I miss and love you!

The best picture of Sara, ever. 

Had so many great adventures with these people, love you all

Sometimes you go to DI and try on wedding dresses, it's fine

Our last Sunday together

Loved living with these girls!

Brendan's going to Brazil, do work!

SLC Temple
Provo Temple

I'm gonna miss Robin!

Provo, you are so beautiful and I miss you already

California with my homies

Love the Sara and the San Diego temple

Cheers to food

Beaches for days

Oh lake Powell, you were too good to us

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