Friday, February 3, 2012

Movie Review: Chronicle

Have ya'll ever heard of the movie Chronicle? You know, those commercials with the three teenage boys who have super powers. They can move things with their minds, crush cars, and pretty much the usual super hero qualities that you can think of. Well, the promo's on TV definitely don't do the movie justice. If you're debating about whether you want to see it or not, watch this trailer.
Doesn't it just look amazing?!? The whole movie is filmed in a documentary style, which at times is a little annoying cause it can be shaky with some awk pauses, but once you get past that, it's really a genius concept. This is pretty much how I would imagine life would be if people could really have telekinesis and other special abilities. On a scale of 1 to Inception (cause we all know Inception is the most mind blowing movie there is), I would give this movie about an 8. Seriously people, go see this, you will not regret it!


  1. I am really excited to see this movie, so I am glad to hear it was good! I would love if you would stop by my blog and say hello!
    Modern Modest Beauty

  2. For some reason I hadn't heard of this yet! Looks amazing!

  3. i was contemplating whether or not to watch it, but i might just go now :)
    xo TJ
