Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Crap, Crap, and more Crap

How is it that at the end of the year, I feel more stressed and overwhelmed than I did at the beginning?! All my classes are over, and school is absolutely pointless now, yet I still get a migraine at the end of the day, thinking about all the crap I'm obligated to still do. Needless to say, I've been really stressing out lately, so for those of you who feel the same way, here's a few tips on how to de-stress yourself. You're welcome.

Step 1: Go ahead, take the longest nap of your life. Some people may judge you for it, and say that napping is only for five year olds, but I am 17, and I may or may not take a nap on the daily. So it's ok to take that 15 minute power nap...that turns into three hours...and then you're just pressing the snooze button on your alarm for the next 20 minutes, and trying to get one more minute of sleep. Oh wait that's just me? Well I don't care what anyone thinks, that last 60 seconds is worth it.

Step 2: Eat as much candy as you want. I prefer non chocolaty things when I'm stressing out, like the ever so delicious Watermelon Sours. These are the only Sour Patch Kids products I'll eat now. Just the thought of a Sour Patch Kid makes me gag. Imagine being on a 24 hour road trip with only a pound of SPK's to eat the entire way. Yeah you hate them now too.

Step 3: Watch SNL cause we all know that it's one of the greatest things on television, especially late at night, and get weepy when you realize that this was Kristen Wiig's last show. Don't worry, no judgemnet.

I promise that if you follow these three simple steps, and manage to do your shiz somewhere in there, you will feel as happy as a clam!

1 comment:

  1. ha! this is so great! i love all of these tips and plan to implement them!

    the cat head app is called cat wang. it'll change your life.
