Wednesday, June 6, 2012


So I am officially a high school graduate, it's been a long time coming! This seemed like the longest and hardest year of my life. I had to battle senioritis while I took 5 very difficult, and boring, AP classes, deal with feeling lonely while I would see my Mom every other week because of her work schedule, and on top of all of that, I didn't even have my older brother and best friend to comfort me when I needed him because he's in Mexico for two years serving an LDS mission. There's a lot more stuff that stressed me out this year, but looking back now, they seem rather trivial. Even with all the hardships that I faced, I managed to survive, and I'm so glad that it's all over now :)! Oh and a little disclaimer, I love the fact that my brother is serving a mission, as much as I miss him, I wouldn't want him to be anywhere else other than serving the people of Cuernevaca, just thought ya'll should know that. Anyways, graduation was everything that I had hoped it would be. I didn't trip on stage, or mess up during my speech, so it was a perfect night. I think the reason why I loved the whole ceremony so much, because lets face it people, graduations are way too long, and terribly boring, was because I got to speak with my best friend. Sharing that experience with her means so much to me, and I'm so proud of all that we have accomplished together throughout high school. Here's a few pictures of that great day, and our speech!


  1. Congrats on graduation! I'm going to BYU in the fall too!

    Oh, and I also read your post about church dances and I probably snorted a few times from laughing so hard. That's so true!

  2. Thanks girl! Really, that's so exciting :) I can't wait to be up there!
