Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Love Beaches

I will be spending seven glorious days at this place in Mexico, and I am beyond excited. I'm going on my senior trip with five of my friends, and our Moms, we are gonna party, let me just tell you. Don't worry though, my concept of partying is drinking Dr.Pepper and playing games like Just Dance all night. I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes, and relax on the beach, drinking some virgin pina coladas :). Yep, it'll be a blast. Oh and don't be too jealous, but I'll also be swimming with dolphins and snorkeling with the fishes in underwater caves! Mexico better prepare itself ;).

Oh and did I mention that I put a pink streak in my hair? No? Well I did, and it's pretty awesome, I think I love it. I'm a rebel, I know.

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