Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Letter

Yep folks, my mother is going to serve a 12 month mission in Papeete, Tahiti. She's only kind of excited as you can see from the video. We're still freaking out over here, and she's already started packing. The woman has three more months before she leaves, and she's already picked out all of her outfits and weighed her suitcases. She's adorable, and I love her. She thought that her letter telling her where she will be serving came while we were in Mexico, so we sped all the home to the sad discovery that it hadn't arrived yet. Then came the next two days of anticipation as we eagerly waited for the mail to come each day. Unfortunately for us, our mail man doesn't come until 5:30. What kind of mail man comes that late right?! Just our luck. Then when the letter finally arrived, I had gone to a friend's wedding, so my Mom had to wait 3 long hours before I finally got back and she could open it. I'm so excited for her and this great new opportunity that she has to serve the Lord as a nurse specialist. This will be a great experience that will not only bless her life, but mine as well. Oh, and I definitely wouldn't mind traveling to Tahiti to visit her. It's a trip I'll just have to take, but I think I can make the sacrifice ;)

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